Lucky Dip Time – Aida Edition! 🧵

by Woolly Worker


While a fair few of us love a big cross stitch project, they can be a little bit daunting if you’re just starting out or, if you’re like me, you’re avoiding going back to that WIP because you’ve avoided the boring bit – and it’s only the boring bit left.

Said boring bit on my six-year WIP of Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft are her arrows and shoulder. It’ll be a joyous day when this one’s finished!

But when you just want a small piece of aida for a sweet little pattern you’ve purchased, cutting into a certain piece of fabric you’ve been saving for the perfect project almost feels sacrilegious. So, if you’re a little bit indecisive, or have no clue where to start when it comes to preferred colours and counts, our lucky dip aida remnant bags have got you covered.

We create all of our remnant bundles in house, using pieces that we aren’t able to put back to shelf as they’re too small for our standard sizes that we stock on our website. Some may even have a little defect here and there, but the joy of a remnant bag is in really in letting your creativity run wild.

Of course, a lucky dip wouldn’t be a lucky dip if we knew what was in each one, but what we can guarantee is that you’ll receive six pieces in one bag. There’s something for every stitcher to use in each bag; some may include different colours or counts of fabric. Even our smaller pieces will enable you to create something frame-worthy.

All of what I’ve made on the left are from using off-cuts from our bags; some even from the same piece!

If you are just starting out and are after some useful tips, head over to our how-to guide for more inspiration. Typically, first-time stitchers would start out with a kit, which will include your pattern, fabric, a needle and stranded cottons. But curating your own kit isn’t as intimidating as it seems! If you want to start out with something you’ve found on your online travels, you absolutely can.

Yet with keeping both new and experienced mind, and for use alongside the lucky dip aida bags, I’m very excited to announce that I’ve created some cross stitch patterns! With being a woolly worker and freelance writer outside of the warehouse, I also love to stitch. So, joining the personal forces of my stitching page in Bubblegum Stitches xo and Wool Warehouse, I’ll be creating some exclusive – and free! – patterns for our fabulous website for you to stitch!

For our first pattern launch, what better way to kick of proceedings than to re-introduce you to our woolly mascots Wallace and Winifred!

Stitched on 14 count and keeping things wonderfully simplistic by using full stitches only, you’re able to create one of these using a piece from your remnant pack – a real win-win!

You can download BOTH patterns for Wallace and Winifred HERE!

We’ll be releasing more free cross stitch patterns, so keep your eyes peeled; in the meantime, happy stitching!

If you’re making Winifred, Wallace or both, don’t forget to tag us in your makes by using #WoolWarehouseCrafters and we’ll share some of our faves!

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